Introducing Envu, where what works drives what's next

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History is in our making

Envu is a new vision for a company built not from the ground up but on top of the towering foundations laid by Envu Environmental Science. Our legacy products are at the core of our new identity and will remain central to all the innovations we will create moving forward.  

Together we built a legacy, now we build a future

By pairing our existing product portfolio with a reinvigorated focus on your environment’s unique needs, we can make history together.
A decades-long legacy of environmental excellence is alive and well at Envu. We’ve brought along all the great products you depend on as well as the  visionary people you trust. 

Envu is more than a provider. We’re a partner that will work right alongside you to push your business forward. Let’s solve problems and develop new solutions together. 

Our singular focus on environmental science helps us clearly define the future we aim to create — and enables us to craft it smarter, faster and more-efficiently. 

Proven results 
From personal lawn care to professional pest management, our commitment remains caring for the spaces where we all live our lives. So we’ve paired our existing product portfolio with a reinvigorated focus on your environment’s unique needs.